Questions tagged [asking-questions]

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2 votes
1 answer

Licensing question

Is there a stack exchange site that deals now with copyright issues, copyright infringement, and contribution ethics? This is the closest I could find.
2 votes
1 answer

Asking about a possible license violation when I'm not sure what the rules are to begin with

I may have found that Debian, Ubuntu, and Homebrew are not properly honoring licenses for dependencies of statically-linked compiled binaries — but it's also possible that I'm misunderstanding the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Asking a question about an open source dataset of digitized correspondence

A couple of months ago, I asked the following question on Open Data (Beta) SE: For a research project, I am currently looking for datasets that consists of large amounts of e-mails, text messages, or ...
13 votes
1 answer

How do I ask for a license recommendation?

I want to ask a recommendation for a license to apply to my open project. How do I ask these sorts of questions?
5 votes
1 answer

Question about choice of a crowdfunding site

Is it OK to ask about a choice of a crowdfunding site (specifically, about which of the popular sites meet certain criteria) for my open source project?
15 votes
5 answers

How to encourage questions about anything but licenses?

I've gotta say That I was reasonably excited to see this proposal go into beta, but to date, it's been mostly nothing more than licensing questions. I was hoping for... something more. What other ...