In the tour site there is a section 'Get answers to practical, detailed questions'. There are two lists: 'Ask about...' and 'Don't ask about...'. These lists can now be edited by the appointed moderators. We should do this, as the content of lists is outdated, for instance it currently talks about 'open source software' although our focus has already moved beyond software alone.
The current content is as follows:
Ask about...
- Specific issues with open source software
- Real problems or questions that you’ve encountered
Don't ask about...
- Anything not directly related to open source software
- Questions that are primarily opinion-based
- Questions with too many possible answers or that would require an extremely long answer
What should the new content of these two sections be?
Please note, that we can put other content than pure lists, but lists seem preferable.
We also have already a Meta-post asking about the description on the same tour-site, please also provide your opinion about this.