To scope this question, I stress the word major in the title.
If we want this site to be the first resort for people looking for general information about open/free projects and content creation, it occurs to me that a major attractor would be to act as a kind of 'Bulletin Board' for some major projects.
Some of the types of announcements I'm thinking of
- Relicensing of a widely used project
- Major (significant) releases or features
- << Other things that people can edit in here >>
As an example, libgmp
changed its license from LGPLv2 to LGPLv3. The home page states that
Since version 6, GMP is distributed under the dual licenses, GNU LGPL v3 and GNU GPL v2.
Yet the licensing change actually happened on a point-release between version 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 as can be seen here
Changes between GMP version 4.2.1 and 4.2.2
- License is now LGPL version 3.
This is the type of change which is of vital importance to companies using the library, and wanting to honor the license agreement. Yet a large consumer product may use hundreds of such libraries and, even with the best of intent, such a point-release can 'sneak in' to the production image.
Having a central 'clearing house' for announcements of this sort allows users of the projects to more easily respect the Licensor's desires.
This doesn't actually fit into a Q&A format, but would it match the intent of this site?
We could use a very specific tag for this type of question.