After looking in the "Tags" page on the main site... I've noticed that out of the top 5 tags, 3 of them are licensing tags (license, creative-commons, and licensing)... The top tag on the site being the license itself...
Not only what's state above, but the license tag (with 55 questions at the time of writing) is more than 25% of the questions on the site (198 questions at the time of writing)... (~27.77% to be more precise).
But there is more, if this meta post is taken into action, both tags combined equals 68 posts tag with at least license or licensing (and after checking, there is no posts that contain both license and licensing, so there is no error in the math)... This means more than 1/3 of all the questions on this site are licensing related.
Dont you guys think weshould make an effort to spread out the base of the questions a bit? For instance, open source practices, contributing and contributors, monetization...
Edit: as of 2015/07/17, it seems to balance out at around 1/3, it's now 100/314.